Saturday, January 3, 2009

Christmas Holiday Activities in Manteca

We enjoyed having Tina and Brian near for Christmas! The holidays started with celebrating Aaron's birthday who just turned 6 on Dec. 17th. Aaron and I had a date to go see Bolt. We had a great time! Cute movie!

We spent Christmas morning at home with David, Kendra and the twins. Later we went to Tina and Brian's and enjoyed another Christmas celebration.

New Year's Eve, Del and I kicked it up a notch and went dancing at our Stake New Year's Eve ball. We had a great time! Beautiful decorations, balloons, food, games, they had it all! Too bad I didn't take my camera!

As usual, the holidays sailed by and now I must go back to work! Hopefully I will be able to download some pictures soon! Jenna helps me keep my blog current and she will be visiting in February so that I can upload more pics! Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday and a prosperous New Year!


Heather said...

Hi I'm Heather! Please email me when you get a chance, I have a question about your blog! LifesABanquet1(at)